How to develop a super memory harry lorayne pdf
How to develop a super memory harry lorayne pdf

One of the countermen may order a B and T down–bacon and tomato on toast. He is so familiar with the positions of these ingredients that he can reach for any one of them almost without looking. All the ingredients that he may have to use are within easy reach the most used, closest to him. Almost every move he makes is done for a definite purpose. Have you ever watched a good short-order cook at work during a busy lunch hour? Well, when you get the chance, observe one carefully. Just as it is another name for efficiency engineer and efficiency consultant.īasically, organization is simply a question of systemization. That is why the business world uses so many efficiency experts – another name for one who is an expert in organization.

how to develop a super memory harry lorayne pdf

To organize your mind is to control it, and according to Charles Darwin, The highest possible stage in moral culture is when we recognize that we ought to control our thoughts.īusiness, of course, recognized the importance of organization long ago. If you manage to organize your mind, you will organize and manage your life, and it is to this end that this book is dedicated. If you look at life with an organized mind instead of through the proverbial rose-colored glasses (although they have their place, too), you will surely see success and happiness from a much better vantage point. I mean you should organize your mind in general for all things, throughout the rest of your life. I don’t mean that you should organize your thinking just to aid you in business or in your job although that is quite an important part of the entire picture.

how to develop a super memory harry lorayne pdf

Above all, we should and must organize our thinking. So, from conception to death, we must organize our pursuits, our activities, even our joys and our sorrows. And so it goes, until he becomes the reluctant participant in a carefully organized funeral. When the child starts school, he is faced with more order, planning and organization. Even his food consists of a formula of planned ingredients. After the baby is born, he is fed, bathed and made to rest according to a definite system.

how to develop a super memory harry lorayne pdf

All our activities, whether they be directed toward making a living, or enjoying ourselves, or both, are planned and organized.Īn expectant mother follows a definite regimen suggested by her obstetrician. The world we live in, the universe, everything about us is organized. One’s entire life is built around organization from the moment of birth–even from the moment of conception. Without it everything would fall apart there would be no learning, no science, no knowledge, no writing, no creative thinking, no competitive business–nothing! There is only one thing that can help you avoid chaos in business – in social dealings – in life itself and that thing is organization. Mind is the great lever of all things human thought is the process by which human ends are ultimately answered.


CHAPTER ONE Organize Your Mind for Full Efficiency

How to develop a super memory harry lorayne pdf